The winery El Maestro Sierra will participate next September in the traditional Harvest Festival that commemorates the arrival of the fruit of the grapevine in a city with 3,000 years of history linked to the production of wine. Exhibitions, unique tastings, food and wine events, conferences and sporting events make up a calendar of events that will run from September 5 to 16. The winery has scheduled two days of open doors, which will take place, upon request, given the limited capacity, on September 12 and 13, Wednesday and Thursday. The day includes the visit of the winery, the cooperage and a tasting of the most exquisite of El Maestro Sierra. In addition, that same Thursday, September 13, the winery will host from 20:30 hours the conference “1812: Indian capitals in the wineries of Jerez”, by Mª Carmen Borrego Plá, Professor of History at the University of Sevilla and Jerez winery. An interesting and novel vision about the intervention of capitals coming from overseas.